#rottmnt x female reader
ashtheketchum · 3 months
Hello, could you create a headcanon for ROTTMNT where Leo falls in love with a female reader who can transform into a giant white snake (a reference to a Chinese legend called “The White Snake”)?
ROTTMNT Leonardo X Demon Snake Reader
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A/N: Even tho I´ve never heard of this legend, I LOVE IT! I´ve read a little bit about this legend and I try my best to bring Leo in this story xD
Warnings: Maybe it is a little bit sad, mention of wounds, strangers to "lovers", not an happy end ig
(E/C) = Eye colour
The first time Leo saw you was at a park, at night
He and his brothers were eating pizza together, but they heard a loud rustling in the bushes
When they saw a human-like figure, they all took a huge distance and they were ready to run away
But before Leo could run away, he heard a quiet hissing sound, like a snake. This piqued his curiosity and he walked towards the bushes
Behind the bushes he saw a woman with a deep cut on her arm
But on the skin of this woman, Leo saw scales, like from a snake
Leo wanted to speak to the woman, but before he could say anything, she turned to him and looked at him threateningly
Her eyes were like those of a snake and her tongue was also forked
She quickly ran away and Leo stood still
He couldn't believe his eyes. He had seen a snake mutant and she looked so beautiful
"Leo, get back here!" Raph called after Leo, but the blue turtle just followed the snake
Leo, however, lost sight of the snake mutant
The next evening, however, he went back to the same park and brought some bandages
He waited at the bushes and looked around everywhere, hoping to see the snake mutant again
Just as Leo was about to give up, he heard a threatening hissing behind him and he turned around
Behind him was a huge white snake, with shining (E/C) eyes
Leo was sure that this was the same snake from yesterday, as this snake had a cut
He carefully pulls out a bandage and holds it out to the snake
"You can trust me, little lady..." He just cooed
The hissing of the snake became quieter before it stopped completely and the snake slowly turned into a human
The woman was dressed in traditional clothing and had a cautious expression on her face
With quick movements she grabbed the bandage and treated her wound with it
Leo just looked at her dreamily, he had never seen such a beautiful mutant (apart from himself of course)
But while the snake woman was tending to the wound, a question came to Leo’s mind
"How can she turn into a human and into a snake?"
When the woman was finished, she turned to Leo, her eyes were very gentle
Leo didn't know what to do, so he just stared at her silently
"Thank you." she whispered quietly
Leo's heart skipped a beat, besides her beautiful looks she also had a beautiful voice
A broad grin crept onto his lips
"You´re welcome, snake lady."
They stared deeply into each other's eyes for a while before the woman turned back into a gigantic snake and slithered away
Leo just stared after her, his heart still beating so fast, but he couldn't help but grin
He called a goodbye to the snake before he left
At his home he of course boasted that he had spoken to the snake, but nobody believed him
Normally he would have liked to show it to his brothers, but somehow he didn't want to do it this time
He just wanted the snake to feel safe
So the next evening he went back to the same place as before and he waited there again
The snake also came back and thanked Leo with a Chinese jewel
Again Leo had to admire her beauty, but he pulled himself together and accepted the gift
Then he promised the snake that he would always take care of her and that she would always remain in his heart
The woman blushed heavily before smiling gently and kissing his cheek
But then the woman confessed something to Leo that shocked him
"I´m not... a mutant like you..." "What do you mean by that, snow white?"
It was difficult for the woman, but in the end she confessed to Leo that she was a demon
At first he didn´t believed her, but after a few seconds he put one and one together
This would also explain why the woman could transform and suddenly appear and disappear again and again
But now he admired the woman much more
And after several evenings of meeting, Leo admitted to himself that he had fallen in love with the demon
But he did not want to tell the demon because he knew that she had been alive for a long time
It was enough for him to spend a good time with you
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crackedpumpkin · 2 years
Hi i saw your one shot of leo x reader " lair " and it broke my heart to pieces.
So is it okay to ask for a fluff one shot where leo is trying to patch things up with reader? Trying to win her again?
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|| ʟɪᴀʀ ᴘᴛ. ᴛᴡᴏ || ʀɪꜱᴇ! ʟᴇᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ||
Well, you asked and I answered, lovely anon! The first part was initially meant to be a standalone oneshot to bring you pain and suffering, but I thought, 'Why not?' and wrote a part two. This ending is however, completely optional, depending if you'd prefer to leave part one on the painful note :) (That's what I did)
"Just one more chance," He pleads, voice soft outside your shut window.
You press your head further into your pillow, waking up in a cold sweat from your dream. You'd be lying if you said you weren't affected by the breakup. The desk felt empty without his usual clutter, the absence of the framed photo of you together a constant reminder of what once was.
You'd never admit it, but you often find yourself glancing down at your phone, waiting for the occasional text from Leo. You were exhausted, trying to move on from him. But often, you'd come home to your empty apartment, collapsing onto the cold sofa and missing the warmth of his arms around you.
You had moved out a couple weeks after the breakup, only having told Donnie about it. The genius turtle had agreed to keep your secret from your ex in exchange for a constant supply of your signature guacamole. 
You had offered to teach him the recipe, but he quote-unquote, "prefer to focus my energy onto things that have more significant results than a bowl of guac."
He visited sometimes and brought Mikey with him. Not recently, though, as Leo was getting suspicious. You enjoyed their presence - maybe it's true that when you love someone, you also love their family.
Loved, to be exact.
The feeling of loneliness gnaws away at your chest.
You pull out your phone, a buzz signalling a new message. You unlock it, squinting at the screen to read Mikey's latest message. 
Dude, I'm so sorry. He got your new number when he snatched away my phone. - Mikester, sent at 9pm. 
As soon as your eyes skim over the words, your phone vibrates from an incoming call. You flinch, dropping the phone. 
It lands screen up, and your breath hitches from the unsaved number. There's no way you wouldn't recognize the same number you had subconsciously memorized and called countless nights. 
You steel your resolve, trembling hands picking it back up and hitting the button to accept the call. You hold it up to your ear, waiting for him to speak. You hear a sharp inhale on the other end, biting your lip to prevent yourself from doing the same once you hear his voice. 
There it was. The voice that had once brought you joy from just a simple greeting, one that had reassured you and whispered sweet nothings into your ear as he held you close in your bed. 
"Leo." You breathe out, trying to ignore the sharp pang in your chest at the mention of his name.
“Y/n,” His voice is quiet and subdued, starkly contrasting with his usual cheerful and carefree nature. “I know we ended badly, but could we meet to talk about it? If that’s okay with you, of course.” You can hear his voice tremble on the last word, the audible gulp a dead giveaway.
You’re silent, taking the time to think. Do you risk it? Or do you not? In retrospect, you had never really found full closure from everything. Maybe it’s why your head is still filled with thoughts of him, your apartment a constant reminder of the subconscious habits adopted from your relationship with him.
“Alright,” You agree in a quick exhale. 
“Thank you…Would Run of the Mill be okay? At seven tomorrow.” 
“Yeah, that sounds good.” 
And then both of you hang up. Unknown to you, Leo is hunched over his phone in his room, holding his head in his trembling hands, relieved that you had agreed.
You open the door of your (very) empty fridge, sighing at the lack of food besides condiments like mayo and a bottle of cola. You grab the drink, passing the bowl of guac you had made for Donnie. 
You turn on the TV, trying to drown out the loud silence in your apartment. You sit on the couch, feet curled up and under a blanket. You watch the show blankly, trying not to address the emptiness you feel after the phone call. 
You take a sip, the cola burning the back of your throat. You grimace, setting it back down on the coffee table. You didn't even like cola, so why was it in your fridge? 
Ah. Leo liked cola.
You focus on the TV programme, deciding to drift off to sleep instead. God knows you'd need it, considering you'll be talking to your ex tomorrow. 
— — — — — — — — 
This is it. This is the day your life will be better off without him. The day you finally bring things to a close. 
You tap your feet, waiting impatiently for Leo. You had arrived at Run of the Mill ahead of time, choosing to dress in your best battle armour. In this case, it’s a stunning black dress that stops right above your knees. It made you feel confident, and your smoky eyes made you look badass. 
"Hey," you turn at the familiar voice, ignoring the way your heart does stupid little flips. 
"Y-you look good." Leo stutters, trying to pass off a suave smile as natural. But you knew him better than that, noticing the beads of sweat on his brow and how his hands shook ever-so-slightly. 
He's just as nervous as you are. 
The realization relaxes your tense shoulders, now knowing you weren't the only one. The surprising absence of his swords elicits a raise of your brow, and he notices. 
"I left them at home. I just wanted to focus on us tonight." He admits, fiddling with his fingers. 
"Then how're we going to enter?" You gesture to the brick wall, and the both of you are shut out from the restaurant without his sword to open the doorway into it. From how his eyes widen in shock and his cheeks flush in embarrassment, it's apparent that he didn't think that far ahead. 
Of course, he didn't, you think fondly. 
Wait. Fondly? No. No way. You were here to just talk and address the breakup. That's all there was to it. You dismiss the small smile at the familiarity of the situation, remembering how the same thing had occurred on your fifth date. 
You spot the way Leo's eyes light up at your amused expression, quickly masking it with a blank expression. "Should we get some takeaway instead?" Leo suggests. From the look on his face, it seemed that he recalled the exact same memory. You shrug, but Leo knows it means that you agree.
You sit on the rooftop of an apartment building, a piping hot pizza in its box between you two. You take a slice, and so does he. The both of you eat silently, eyes darting to focus on anything but each other.
"So," you're the first to break the silence. He flinches, almost choking on his last bite. 
"So..." He drawls out. C'mon, Leo! He silently chides himself, trying to not be intimidated by how utterly gorgeous you look in that dress. 
You're waiting patiently for him to continue the conversation, and he desperately wishes that his hands could cup yours in a gentle hold. He wants to apologize, to grovel, and to beg for you to take him back. 
The past weeks were absolute agony for him, and he missed you more than anything. So many ways were thought up to express his apologies and promise the world if you'd just give him another chance. He'd make things right, to love you more than you'd ever need or want. 
But in an instant, once his eyes meet yours, it's all gone. Your eyes are filled with so much vulnerability, your pale complexion a dead giveaway to how you haven't taken good care of yourself. He observes the tautness in your cheeks. You'd been losing weight too, he realizes. 
"I'm sorry." The heartfelt apology spills past his lips, carrying so much weight with so few words. 
“Sorry isn’t enough to undo everything you’ve done to hurt me.” You inhale deeply, willing the lump in your throat to fade. “Six dates that you’ve stood me up on, not to mention the missed calls and unread texts.” You list out.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t….” I didn’t mean it, Leo wants to say, but he knows it’s a mere excuse, and he catches himself before he hurts you and ruins everything yet again. “I don’t have an excuse. I should’ve treated you better, and you have every right to feel this way.” 
“You lied to me.” Your words are quiet, and your eyes fill with sorrow. No matter how much you prepared yourself for this moment, it’s rendered useless as the wound is reopened from mere memory.
He’s so full of guilt, and it seeps out through his words. “I did.” He confesses, shame filling his cheeks and feeling them burn. “And I never should have.”
“Yeah,” You whisper, looking down at your lap where you’re fiddling with your hands. You swallow down the lump in your throat, hating how your eyes tear up again and how much he still affects you.
“But I’ve changed,” You look back up to meet his gaze, his eyes filled with pure resolve and earnestness. “I’ll treat you better than ever before, and I’ll make it up to you. Please, give me another chance. I’ll never hurt you ever again. I promise.” 
You shake your head, feeling the tears spill out the corner of your eyes and trickle down your cheeks. You couldn’t risk it. Not again. But Donnie had mentioned that Leo really had changed, how he wrote so many letters piled up on his desk. 
Heartfelt words left unsaid, Donnie had put it. He even admitted to taking a peek but never told you about its contents, only that Leo really had changed.
Even Mikey had brought it up.
God, you hated yourself for what you were about to say next. You turn around, facing him. He looks back up, willing the tears to go away. "Three dates." You ignore the way your heart pounds in your chest. 
He clears his throat, rubbing his eyes roughly with the back of his hand, "What?" His voice comes out hoarse, but he could care less about that. What mattered more were the two words you had just spoken. 
"I'll go on those three dates with you." You repeat, holding up a finger to stop him from speaking, "And we'll see where it goes; no promises." 
— — — — — — — — 
Date Numero Uno.
Leo waits on the cinema rooftop, two separate bean bags on the picnic mat that covers the ground. An assortment of popcorn and candy litter the ground, a projector he borrowed from Donnie sitting on a small table behind the bean bags.
He senses your arrival and turns to face you. He’s left speechless, the breath knocked out of him when he sees you in a pair of blue jeans and a flowy blouse. A necklace decorates your bare neck, bringing out your collarbones.
You’re beautiful.
He’s struggling to greet you, tripping over his words and stammering, reduced to the mess he was when you first kissed him. 
You survey the scene, eyebrows raised when you spot all your favourite candy and snacks, even the ones Leo didn’t like. 
He remembers.
Your heart melts slightly at the gesture, but you choose not to give anything away. You set down your purse beside one of the beanbags, choosing to sit down. “So, what movie are we watching?” Your voice is impassive, pretending to not be impressed.
“Well,” Leo walks over, sitting down and making himself comfortable in the blue bean bag, “Remember our first date?” He hits play on the app connected to the projector, and it begins to play the movie on the wall of the taller building opposite the both of you.
You gasp softly, eyes wide as your favourite movie starts playing. It brings you back to that day in the park when you first met him, a mutant monster having interrupted the public screening. He and his brothers had subdued it, only for him to smoothly invite you on a date to make up for the interruption.
It was a difficult movie to find in high quality. All the websites you visited only had blurry frame-by-frame displays. He had never told you how he managed to get a copy on your first date, and you never asked.
“How’d you get it?” You turn to him, unable to hold back your curiosity. 
“Well, I kinda had to make a trade with Donnie.” He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, his gaze soft when he looks at you. 
You avert your gaze, feeling slightly flustered yet touched. The mood remains silent with nervous tension, and you nibble on a snack as the movie plays. 
Then Leo makes a joke, wincing when it breaks the silence. 
But to Leo’s delight, you laugh. It sparks hope in him, and he continues to make pun after pun. You try to hide the small smiles from your amusement, but the atmosphere soon turns from awkward to comfortable and warm. 
He walks you home after, insisting that you keep the snacks he had bought and reassuring you that he’d be the one to clean up the rooftop. 
“Well, today’s not a bad start.” You murmur, stopping at the doorway to your apartment. He has his hands in the pocket of his hoodie, eyes filled with hope. “Just wait; I have another two dates to make it up to you.” He quips. 
“Goodbye, Leo.” You chuckle, entering your home. You close the door behind him, and he heads home.
— — — — — — — — 
Date Numero Dos
The bright lights of the carnival almost blind you as you weave through the crowd, spotting a familiar blue hoodie and jeans. You walk over to the booth that Leo’s waiting at. He pockets his phone once he sees you, straightening his posture and greeting you with a smile.
“So, this carnival, huh?” You cross your arms, looking at the booths around. He nods, holding up two express tickets that would allow the both of you to skip the long queues. 
He’s really serious about this, you note with a soft smile. 
Leo knows this next move is risky, but he does it anyway. He holds his arm to you, “Because it’s really crowded. Just scared you might get lost, and I won’t be able to spot you in the crowd.” He jokes nervously, holding his breath. 
You hesitate, but you gently place your hand on his bicep. Besides, this is just to prevent you from being separated from the crowd. Nothing else.
You feel his body relax, observing the quiver of his lips as he tries not to beam. You hide a small chuckle at the sight.
He brings you to all the various carnival games, cheering for you as you knock down towers of metal cups with a tennis ball and win a prize. You do the same when he’s hula-hooping, lasting the longest out of all the other participants. He has the audacity to do a few tricks with the hula-hoop to rub his win in everyone else’s face, and you giggle at the sight.
“Move aside, blue.” You pat his chest a couple of times, the feeling so natural to you that you almost forget that you are no longer together. A blush coats Leo’s cheeks as he looks at you, aiming the toy gun at the tower of Jenga bricks, the action stunning him into silence.
You groan, only one last small stack remaining upright. A mischievous idea hits him, and he sneakily uses his sword to form a portal behind the bricks, using his finger to flick it and send it toppling down. You gasp in delight, and your arms are thrown up in victorious cheer.
You turn to face him with unadulterated excitement in your eyes, heat spreading across your nose and cheeks when you see the soft smile on his lips. You avert your gaze, staring down at your sandals as embarrassment fills your body.
“Shall we?” He holds his arm towards you again, but you take it without hesitation this time.
The two of you continue to play the carnival games, and you have so much fun that you forget about the agreement altogether. You make jokes and laugh and gasp in excitement when he hands you a large stick of cotton candy to share. You tear off small pieces, relishing in the happiness of the sweetness that melts on your tongue. 
When he walks you home, you're disappointed that the date is ending, much to your surprise. You shut the door behind you as usual, small butterflies in your stomach and a silly smile you can’t seem to wipe off your lips.
You’re lying in bed when the phone screen lights up with a call, and you answer it without looking at the number.
“Hey,” Leo sounds surprised that you picked up, and you tuck the phone close to your ear, using your shoulder to hold it in place as you massage your sore feet. 
“Hey,” You reply softly, glancing up at the clock. Eleven PM.
“Did you get home safe?” That pulls a chuckle out of you, “You walked me home.” You remind him with an amused roll of your eyes.
“Oh, I knew that. Just wanted to check, is all.” Leo bluffs, lying on his bed with the phone next to him on his pillow.
“So, why the sudden call…?” You ask, switching the phone to rest on your other shoulder as you massage your left calf. 
“I wanted to tell you to dress up for the last date.” Leo turns to lie on his side, untying his bandanna to loop it around the bedpost.
“Oh? How formal are we talking?” You collapse on your pillow, holding the phone above your face. You accidentally lose your grip, and it falls. You yelp when it lands harshly on your nose, rubbing it to relieve the pain.
“You good?” Leo gets worried, sitting upright in his bed. If you were hurt, he’d make his way over to your apartment immediately. He’s relieved when you mumble a yes.
“Yeah, I just accidentally, yet very conveniently, dropped my phone on my face.” You groan, frowning when he barks a short laugh over the phone. “Hey, you did it too during that movie night in the lair with your family,” You snap playfully.
“I would never!” He gasps, holding his hand over his heart in mock hurt. An affectionate smile finds its way to his lips, staring up at the ceiling.
“So, where will our last date be?” Your question sobers him up, and a dull pang resonates in his chest at the reminder that there was still a chance you didn’t want to be his anymore.
“Run of the Mill.” He responds, quieter than before. 
You inhale sharply at the mention of the chosen location, and it gets quiet for a while. “Make sure you bring your swords this time.” You try to joke, keeping the atmosphere light.
“I dunno, it might ruin the outfit's aesthetic.” He replies without thinking, warmth blossoming in his chest when he understands what you’re trying to do. He turns to face his phone, oblivious to the fact that you are mirroring his exact position and tender smile in your own bed.
You continue to talk and chat into the night, and when Leo hears your witty replies slow, he knows you’re falling asleep. He finally hears your soft breathing after a while longer, falling silent. He stays in the same position for a bit, just listening and pretending that you’re right there with him at that very moment.
But he hangs up with a sad smile, falling asleep with a pillow in his arms instead of you.
— — — — — — — — 
Date Numero Tres
You’re waiting in the alleyway, checking your phone. You were there on the dot, but a small fear eats away at you, scarred by past experience. 
Would he be a no-show?
He was supposed to have changed. You prayed that he wouldn't let you down. Not again.
You don’t realize how tense your body is until he shows up moments after your doubt starts coding your mind, your shoulders relaxing when you see him. He’s dressed in a casual tuxedo, and you raise a brow at how snazzy he looks in it. 
“M’lady,” He holds out his hand, and you slide your own into his, tingles tiptoeing up your spine at the contact. He pulls a single sword out of the two slung across his hip, and you note that he’d even bought black sheaths for the blades to match the outfit.
He guides you into the restaurant, Señor Hueso bringing you to a private balcony and leaving the both of you with menus. “Wow, you’re really going all out, huh?” You observe, and sit down when he pulls a chair out for you.
He sits down on the chair opposite you. You’re about to pick up the menu to rifle through it, but he places his hand on top and gently pushes it back onto the table. You blink, confused by the gesture.
“Trust me, I know exactly what to order.” He smirks, signalling Señor Hueso to take your order. You ask for a glass of iced tea and wait patiently for Leo to order for the both of you. 
“Señor Hueso, one of your Pizza Especial, large please.” The owner, familiar with Leo’s antics, takes the order with so much as a blink at Leo’s exaggerated Spanish accent. 
“Did you just ask for a Pizza Special?” You ask, bemused yet entertained by the turtle opposite you. He nods with a cheeky wink, inducing a nervous laugh from you. 
You make small talk till the food comes, and you gasp in pleasant surprise when a piping hot pizza is placed between you both, the grilled onions among various other toppings bringing a smile to your face. You’re almost drooling, thanking Señor Hueso, who brings the food to your table before he walks away.
Leo picks up the first slice of pizza, placing it onto your plate with a warm smile that sends a rush of endorphins through your body. You clear your throat. “Thanks,” You murmur, picking up the slice and taking the first bite. 
He waits for your reaction, ignoring the rumble his empty stomach makes. He’s euphoric when your eyes light up, taking larger bites with a happy hum. He watches you with fondness in his eyes, stiffening when you catch him.
His eyes focus intently on the pizza, grabbing the second slice and munching hungrily. He doesn’t spot the grin on your lips, and you both eat. After a few slices, you’re stuffed to the max. You lean back in your chair, and Señor Hueso brings the pizza away to be put in a takeaway box at Leo’s request. 
“Dessert?” He asks you. You immediately nod with an eager smile, sitting back upright and covering your mouth politely when you burp. Your cheeks flush in embarrassment, but he finds it cute.
“Would you like to share our signature sundae?” Señor Hueso suggests upon returning with the packaged leftover pizza, waiting for your decision.
“Oh, I don’t think she’d be comfortable-” 
“I don’t mind sharing,” You cut Leo off, and his eyes widen briefly in surprise before they soften at your words. You nod in thanks to Señor Hueso, who leaves to prepare dessert, with silence settling between you both.
“The dates were fun,” You begin the difficult conversation, clearing your throat awkwardly.
“I’m glad you enjoyed them.” Leo’s reply is shy and nervous, fidgeting with his fingers on the table, green skin against the pure white of the tablecloth
Your lips curve upwards into a reassuring smile, reaching across and placing your hands on his. He looks up, taking in your radiant beauty and bright eyes. 
“I can’t wait for the next one.”
He freezes, forgetting how to breathe. 
“Wait,” He looks down, blinking rapidly before looking back up at you, “Does this mean…?”
Your nod of confirmation is all he needs for the rising swell of affection in his chest to spill over in the form of a sudden hug. You gasp in surprise at the feeling of his arms around you, melting into his touch as he buries his head into your shoulder.
You were home in his arms once more.
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pagonmoon · 3 months
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Ironically I wanted to draw my own background for my cp, and the first thing comes to mind is Future Leonardo Hamato ( while also guilty of doing a 'X Reader' ship with him ).
F! Leonardo and Female Reader walking under an umbrella:
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hotheadedhero · 4 months
Like 'em Big
AN: I have so many stories to write but I had to do this. Blaming being sick, m'kay? Fever has got me bad and these meds got me loopy. Thinking we need some good, silly fun in our lives, right? Plus, now that I've watched Rise, I'm hungry for some big Raph appreciation. I know I ain't the only one
Part 2
All characters are aged up
Raphael x Reader
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Warnings: near peril, easily smitten, possible errors due to fever (what kind of fever is up for deliberation🥴)
Cutting right to the chase. You like big dudes. That doesn't necessarily mean muscles, either. You just love you a big man - someone with a bit of something-something to them. More to love, you know? Given your track record with the greater world, it shouldn't be all that much of a mystery. Cats? Get yourself a tiger that you can cuddle into. Jumpers? Comfort central, baby. Beds? If you can't spread eagle then you see no point. The old-age saying does declare that the bigger the better, so who are you to disagree? How true that is may be up for debate but it’s merely as simple as understanding what your preferences are.
However, this makes dating a difficult ballpark to play in. No matter how tall, jacked, or voluptuous someone is, it never feels like enough. Human biology and genetics can only go so far in the conceivably possible sense. You just want to be absolutely engulfed when you get a hug. Is that such a crime? Apparently, it is. Unfortunately, you also seem to come across the worst jerks when you attempt to date within this set of criteria. One might argue it's your karmic justice for being so superficial and picky but a woman has needs. Not those kinds of needs, either. Get your head out of the gutter.
All hope seems lost and after yet again, another failed date, you decide to call it in for the evening and make your way home. A fresh failure and another wonderful outfit gone to waste. By no means is it anything flashy but you put a lot of work into it: pencil skirt, turtle neck sweater, and a nice pair of boots to compliment the look. The whole shebang! All of that effort for nothing. This is the last time you spend three hours doing your hair and makeup. Block after block, your feet grow heavier with every step. What you would give to come across a mountain-like man you can climb who is also a kindred spirit. Perhaps this dream guy will forever be that - a dream. Men like that don't just fall out of the sky.
"Look out!!"
The sudden shout almost scares you into tripping over and you look behind yourself, wishing you hadn’t. Two very large, very dangerous-looking figures entangled in battle, those of which are approaching your helpless little self. You quickly duck as the giants hurdle over you. One falls on its side whilst the other claws and skids against the ground, regaining its balance. It shakes its head and locks onto you, a guttural snarl rumbling past its jowls. Such a creature is surely from the stuff of nightmares. An indescribable nightmare whose sights are set on you. The smart option would be running away but it's as though your shoes have melted into the pavement. Pawing into the tarmac, the beastly thing growls and lunges for you. Great. This is how you die: torn limb from limb by a demon dog. Well, assuming your clothes join you, at least you’ll look like a total babe in the afterlife.
"Oh no ya’ don't," the other one yells from behind the predator, grabbing it by its tail. “Pretty ladies are not food!”
With a mighty tug, he pulls it back and swings it as far away from you as possible. You release a shaky breath, legs trembling beneath you. That was far too close for comfort. The fight isn’t quite over, however. Just as it approaches him, the green goliath swivels on his feet, full 180, and whacks the creature's jaw with a closed fist. His speed alone has you in awe but the force is astounding, practically earth-shattering. It completely knocks the air around you and pushes you onto your backside.
When the dust clears, the first thing you see is your saviour panting, his spiky shell(?) pointed towards you. Just past him in the distance, you notice three more figures in blue, purple, and orange taking a closer look at the unconscious tyrant. You swear one of them pokes at it with a stick. Witnessing strange beings such as this isn't entirely new. Anyone who's watched Chateau Pretenche knows about the celebrity chef turning into a grotesque pigman. To describe it in one word? Horrifying. It's just whether people choose to believe it genuinely happened or if these bizarre entities exist. Being up close and personally observing it now puts your scepticism in check.
As the humanoid turtle calms, he turns to face you, recapturing your attention. A red mask sits over his eyes and there’s a noticeable snaggle tooth poking past his upper lip. Typically, the prerogative is keeping out of sight but it’s much too late for that. He gradually advances towards you. You watch him warily and he keeps his movements slow for that very reason. It wouldn’t be a shock if you were to try and make an escape. He wouldn’t blame you. Currently, all he wants to do is make sure you weren’t hurt during that fiasco provided you don’t suddenly come out of your bewilderment and run off. You have good reason to but he just saved you. Either that or he’s as ravenous as that beast and wants you all to himself. The irrational conclusion remains as such - irrational - when he descends to one knee and outstretches a hand. There’s an irrefutable kindness in his eyes; a caring nature that can’t be replicated in the face of savage brutes.
"You okay?" he asks.
You continue to gawk without a word but, bit by bit, you reach out for his offer. Your fingers lightly trace the centre of his palm before comfortably trusting the proposal. His hand engulfs yours completely and Raph hopes to mercy that you don’t realise how sweaty he’s getting. He can feel his heart beating like crazy. He wonders how much of that is the adrenaline from the fight and how much of it is being in the presence of such a beautiful gal. As he helps you to your feet, he rises to his own. Someone of his stature shouldn’t be capable of being this delicate but he is. It has you running through a loop and you unintentionally stare at the remarkable behemoth.
Quite pathetically, you nod, unable to verbally respond to his question. How can you? You are effectively starstruck. Once you gloss over the turtle-y features, all you see is the sheer size of him as he towers over you. Height, width, the magnitude of those arms! All of it is glorious. You can hear the universe asking, “You want a big man, huh? How about one who isn’t human?” to which you answer, “Who gives a damn?”. If the only way a man can be this big is not to be human, so be it.
Amidst a whisper, your mouth moves on its own, "You're beautiful."
"Huh?" Blinking out of your trance, you realise what you’ve said and giggle sheepishly, "I mean, you're be... ba... booming! Totally awesome with the whole- uh... saving thing." Nailed it. 
He blinks right back down at you. This is certainly a first. He can feel his face heating up and he withdraws his hand lest you endure the wrath of his bashfulness, opting to hold the back of his head. At this moment, he seems to look anywhere but you.
"Heh. Gee, thanks." His humility is adorable and you’re glad he doesn’t question your initial statement. He turns to you once more, regaining some composure. "You sure you're okay, though? That thing was pretty scary looking."
It’s clear that you haven’t sustained any physical injuries but even bearing witness to something so unsightly can have lasting effects on one's mind. His brows furrow gently in concern down at you and it occurs to you that there’s a soft heart under all of that shell and muscle. Bonus points. This makes you smile for the first time in front of him and Raphael is sure that the streetlights got brighter.
You laugh fondly, “Yeah, I’m okay. Thank you.” Twiddling your fingers, your lips purse up in his direction.  “Is there any way I can repay you?”
He places his hands on his hips and chuckles cutely, “Just doing my duty, ma’am.”
He may be indulging in his alter ego - the Red Angel of Preventing Harm - but it’s not every day he gets paid thanks when he saves someone. It’s also not every day he gets to save such a pretty woman, either. You, however, can’t just leave it at that. There must be some way in which you can properly thank him. Ulterior motives include getting to know this already loveable lug better but shh. It feels like the odds are finally turning in your favour and you won’t let this slip away from your grasp. That’s when it hits you.
Muttering under your breath, you erratically search through the confines of your little handbag. You are certain that you had one in here somewhere. In the spare pocket maybe? Ah! Found it. Fumbling to take the lid off of your pen, you hold out your hand, gesturing for his. He slowly complies, to which you jot down a series of digits on his palm accompanied by your name and a tiny 'x'. 
"Gimme a text sometime," is the last thing he hears before you disappear around a corner.
Oh? Oh. Ohhh. Wow. Getting your number is the last thing he expected. Did he get hit on the head during that scuffle or something? Was everything from the last few minutes a dream? He bores holes into the writing on his skin, scanning it over and over, scared that it’ll disappear if he so much as blinks. A dumb, wobbly smile not so gracefully decorates his lips as he trudges back to the turtle tank. He takes his seat but it’s obvious that he isn’t all there. Being so caught up in his rose-tinted bubble, he doesn’t register his brothers' voices. In an effort to gain his attention, Michelangelo jumps onto his shoulder, partly intrigued by what their leader is so absorbed by.
"Oh me gosh!” the young brother screams in shrill excitement, “Raph's in love!"
Careful not to smudge the neat ink, he’s quick to hide his hand against his chest. "That's crazy talk!”
Donatello sniffs the air and mockingly covers his nose. "The overwhelming manifestation of your nervous stink indicates otherwise, dear brother."
"I got a girl’s number!” he continues to defend, feeling his face go all kinds of red. “'Course, I'm nervous but that don’t mean I’m in love."
Lies and slander. It was practically love at first sight. He just doesn’t like the idea of his brothers knowing that. It’s easy pickings to be made fun of.
"Don't worry, Big Red. Lucky for you, you got a guy who knows all about the charm." Leonardo points both thumbs at himself as he falls back into his seat and props his legs up on the dashboard. "First, you just need to..."
The "helpful" advice drowns out as the large snapper opens and gazes at his palm again. He just can't comprehend how a gorgeous individual such as yourself could take one look at him and give him your number. It's puzzling but he supposes there’s a first for everything? That also doesn't mean he won't text you. The only thing getting in the way of that is fear. Raphael thinks he’d rather go toe-to-toe with that mutant dog again than have to face the risk of embarrassing himself. To anyone who knows him, it’s no surprise that he caves under pressure. No. He will do it! A chance like this is one in a million.
Oh boy. What could possibly go wrong?
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theangelcatalogue · 6 months
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ִ ࣪𖤐 Concept name: It's really you?
ִ ࣪𖤐 Romantic or Platonic: Both!
ִ ࣪𖤐 Gender of the darling: Female! (Because of the Pierce The Veil reference! But you can change it!)
ִ ࣪𖤐 Yanderes in this concept:
ִ ࣪𖤐 2012: Leo, Donnie, Raphael, Mikey, April, Casey, Karai(Romantic!) And Splinter(Platonic!)
ִ ࣪𖤐 Rottmnt: Leo, Raphael, Mikey, Donnie, April(romantic!) And Splinter(platonic!)
(You can change that!)
ִ ࣪𖤐 Theme song: O Superman - Laurie Anderson
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" Hello? This is your Mother
Are you there?
Are you coming home? "
In the 2012 universe, you died, Shredder killed you in cold blood, instend of Splinter dying, it was you
They promised to kill him for you, they loved you, why you? Not fair!
They never got over it, even if it makes months that you died
While in the Rottmnt universe, you were alive and well! Having fun with your friends! Making missions! Just having your normal life!
Well until you and your friends got struck in 2012 universe!
2012 group reaction? Well
It was you
Really you?
You were alive!
But you aren't their Y/n...
What? Of course you are! Not even in another universe you change! You still the same!
It just feels like they are meeting you for the first time again
They need you, you will leave them, not again.
But i mean, it's not like the Rottmnt group will let this happen!
" Well, you don't know me
But i know you "
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ִ ࣪𖤐 NOTES!!
✮ You can use this concept! Don't need credits! :3 ✮
✮ Please take care of yourself! I hope you all doing fine! ♡ ✮
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morning-sun-brah · 3 months
Hey guys! I've lost my mind!!
So this was supposed to be a one-shot, but I just kept writing. The good news is all three chapters are finished, and I'll post the second tomorrow, and the third soon after, huzzah!
Leo/Reader fic. Reader used she/her pronouns. Reader needs a personal trainer, and Leo offers to fill that role. He then spends two and a half chapters and almost 28k words indulging in your praise kink.
Hope everyone enjoys!! I'll be back soon to post the last two chapters, and with an update for Silk!
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waywardwritesstuff · 3 months
Hello, could you create a headcanon for ROTTMNT where Leo and Donnie, separately, fall in love with a female reader who can transform into a giant white snake?
Donnie and Leo x F!Reader Head canons
Tags: romantic, female reader, feelings, confessions Word Count: 900+
Summary: Donnie/Leo fell in love with reader. They didn't plan on it happening but guess what? It did. But how did they act? How did this all go about?
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Leo at first was very embarrassed about it, he had known you just as long as he had known April, and you were very important to him. Not to mention the two of you were quite close compared to his brothers.
But despite his feelings, he wasn't a coward, and he wasn't afraid, so he decided to take you out to a sewer pipe he had found perfect for skateboarding and decided to tell you there.
As the two of you were skating around, you in your human form so you could have two legs to stand on the board in the first place, you noticed Leo started to act strange.
"So...you have a boyfriend?" he says out of no where
A bit confused but seeing nothing wrong with his question you answer
"No. Why? Are you interested haha?" You decide to say cheekily, but if you were being honest, you had a small crush on Leo but figured that it was only one-sided, so you never said anything, but that didn't stop you from making "jokes" about it.
"Maybe, what would you say if it did" Leo responded
You are a little unsure now, you are not used to Leo giving a response that wasn't a joke.
"Leo what are you doing" you stop skating now and turn to look at him fully
"What? I'm not doing anything?"
"Your being weird and you know it"
"Can't I ask my friend about their dating life?"
"You can't, not so seriously at least. What is going on"
He hesitates and his green skin starts to darken on his cheeks. Is he blushing? You didn't even know turtles could blush
"Maybe for once I'm not joking, Y/N I have feelings for you" And there it is, he said it. Finally putting his feelings out into the open.
"Leo that's not funny" you say getting a little bit frustraed. This isn't a funny joke and you don't want him messing around with your feelings. Is he doing this because he knows how you feel about him or is he doing it because he genuinely feels the same
"I promise you for once this is not a joke"
"You're being serious"
"I swear on Hueso's Pepperoni Pizza"
Oh shit, he's being serious
"Well, I feel the same. How come it took you so long to tell me?"
"How come it you so long to tell me"
"Touche" You concede
"So are we going to make this official or are we just gonna sit here with these confessions" He asks
With the adrenaline that is now rushing through your body, you step forward and wrap him in a tight hug, giving him a small kiss on his plastron as he wraps his arms around you and plants his own kiss on your forehead.
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Donnie didn't understand his feelings at first. He ignored the feeling in his stomach whenever the two of you talked, blamed it on bad pizza. He just went about his day like normal and tried not to think about how you made him feel.
But he couldn't deny how important you were to him. He liked listening to you talk, though sometimes he thought you might be a little bit silly he still found whatever you spoke about interesting, simply because you were the one talking. And he cherished the moments when you would sit and listen to him ramble on and on. He knew people got bored of his ranting easily, but you never seemed to lose interest. It was comforting.
Eventually, he figured out what his feelings were and he had no idea what to do about it. He had never had romantic feelings before and he had never been in a relationship. What was he supposed to do?
One day when the two of you were just chatting with him in his room/lab he went quite, which was highly unusual for him. Even when you were talking he was either working on something or simply muttering along to your train of thought.
"Y/N, have you ever fallen in love with anyone?" he asks bluntly
You look at him quizzically waiting for him to go on
"You know...like those feelings when you like someone a lot more than a friend" he explains
"Yes I know what 'falling in love' is, but why do you ask?"
"Well I think that I might have fallen in love with someone, but I do not know what I am supposed to do with those feelings"
"You could tell them how you feel" I say simply
Donnie has a blank look on his face like this was the most insane answer I could have given.
"Ok, well I love you"
You blink once, twice. Before what he says sinks in
"Wait, me? I am the person you fell in love with? But...I'm a mutant" you say hesitantly, why would Donnie fall in love with a mutant snake such as yourself, even other mutants found you frightening.
"So? So am I? What difference does it make?"
You stop "It doesn't but...you really feel that way about me"
"Yes" he says but their is a hesitant note to his voice "Do you not share these feelings"
You were taken aback, you thought after all this time your feelings would have been more obvious to Donnie but apparently not
"Yes of course! I just never said anything because I thought you only saw me as a friend"
"Well I did-" he says truthfully "-but something changed"
Feeling so overcome with emotions you slither up to Donnie and wrap your arms around him before remember how he feels about hugs. But before you can pull away fully he wraps his own arms around you in return.
You couldn't have been more happy in this moment. And you hope to share more moments like this with Donnie in the future.
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Hi, how are you? May I request Rise Donnie having a "love at first sight"(I guess you could say?) moment when he meets fem!reader for the first time? (Maybe Reader is one of April's friends?)
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Summary: Donnie never expected to experience "Love at first sight", to be honest, he never believed it was real. At least untill you captured his attention...
Requested: Mhm!
No pronouns specified!
Oh, the cruel twist of fate.
Donnie never expected to be one of those love sick fools, blindly admiring someone whom had encaptured their hearts with a mere shared glance.
On the contrary, he'd laughed the idea away. Something like that could never happen to someone like him.
But now here he stood, blushing like a fool as he watched you happily get aquainted with his brothers. April had offered to introduce them to a close friend of hers, that friend being you.
Donnie hadn't really thought much of the offer, simply taking it as an opportunity to add a new ally to their band of misfits. When you met his eyes however, he couldn't help himself but be a tad more interested in you, and when you spoke that was the final nail in his metaphorical coffin.
You had encaptured his heart, just as he had always feared someone would. Now he was but a love smitten child who knew no way to navigate these new feelings.
How had you done this to him?
Was it the shimmer in your eyes?
The way you carried yourself?
Was it the way you spoke and how happily you discussed your hobbies?
Perhaps it was a combination of all of these that made you oh so perfect. Perhaps this was mere interest, just a small curiousity that could be satified in due time, yes, that was it. You had simply peaked his interest. It was the only logical conclussion, what else could these feelings possibly be?
Well he knew what else, but he wanted to ignore that possiblity.
Ignore it.
That's what was best.
But your eyes.
Just a single glance was enough to show him that you were alot more complicated than you appeared. Perhaps that's how you gained his attention. Donnie wanted nothing more in that moment than to unlock every secret you held, to learn who you were, and he hated that.
He had just met you for Newton's sake!
These feelings were going to be a problem.
A really big problem...
All done Anon! I had tons of fun with this one lol, can you tell?
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luvyurself · 2 months
hate you
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for @fishsticksloser dity :D I went a little overboard with it but I hope you like it <3
story chosen: there for my final breath
c/w: she/her pronouns, major character death, bad future timeline, babies first angst story, donnie battles with emotions, he’s coping hardcore, kind of rushed (aka I just saw their post about it and got to writing LMAOO)
to set the vibe listen to this teehee:
what was a “successful mission” anymore?
was it really successful when a person you loved was killed in battle?
was it really successful when you wake up screaming from nightmares retelling the events of that day? the universe mocking you in its sick and twisted way, in a way that said, “this is your reality, your world.”
“this is your future.”
death was a concept he had to get used to, as unfortunate as it was, it quickly became a common thing he would have to face when the krang invaded new york city.
from when he was a teen, donnie would swear up and down that he emotions were a wast of time, it being the only thing that he genuinely didn’t get. why do we feel random things that change sporadically with no rhyme or reason? a concept so foreign, yet can be so….how to say….comforting.
like that giddy feeling when he completed an invention, the heart pounding in his chest when he rambled on and on to his brothers about a topic for an hour.
the heart melting and wavy smile he would get when she would kiss his cheek every morning.
she was practically his ray of sunshine in the hellscape of the world he came to know. when he would be planning new inventions to take down the krang, she would be massaging his shoulders with her slightly rough hands, a faint reminder of the change she went through.
they would be in the battle field, back to back as they fight against the enemy, then together in the med bay with stupid smiles on their faces as they sloppily put bandaids on their injuries.
she was there to hold him when raph died, humming a soft song as he silently cried into her shoulder, his hand gripping hers in a tight grip. a silent way he expressed it without sobbing out loud. he never cried out loud, her never sobbed so hard until he physically couldn’t cry anymore.
donnie liked it like that.
no matter how unhealthy it was to bottle up the need to let out his emotions, it was always how he moved on, how he could move on.
but not anymore.
not even now.
it wasn’t supposed to happen, he had it all mapped out. even with her on the mission without him, he had eyes on her from inside his lab. the hologram figure of her stared at him as he banged his fist on the table.
“damn it…” he grumbled, rubbing his face in frustration. her voice spoke up, a little bit out of breath, “what? what happened?”
his eyes turned to her, a sharp breath escaping his nose, “there’s practically no way to destroy the place, we can’t do nothing.” he looked over disarray sketches of the technodrome, gritting his teeth in anger, “there’s no way of shutting it down without one of those freaks catching you, I’m calling it off.”
tapping on his arm band to send the information to leo, he heard her soft breathing as she spoke up once more. “what about that?”
he looked up once more, seeing where she was located at. he takes a sharp intake of air once he realizes what it was. “the core! ha! of course the kraang have a core on their ship, that will knock them down a leg greatly!”
he turned his back away from the hologram, “once you come back, we can discuss what we found with the others, that way we can be more prepared.”
“this will help us gain some sort of advantage with that ship gone.”
“have I ever tell you about that keen eye, my love? oh I can practically kiss you through the-“
“DONATELLO!” he nearly flinched at his full name, turning back around to face her, a confused look on his face. “what? you can’t blame me for being excited!”
she was quiet for a moment, clearing her voice to speak. “we can’t wait until another time.” her voice was quieter then usual, her eyes staring down at the floor.
an uneasy feeling began to settle in his stomach, “what do you mean? we don’t have any available resources right now, we can try again tomorrow-“
“tomorrow isn’t promised, donnie.” she said, looking back at the core, and back at him. “we have an opportunity right now, we have to take it.”
he’s quiet for a moment, before he finally got what she was implying. “no. you’re not doing anything.” his voice was serious, brown furrowed as he pointed at her hologram form.
“you will come back right now. that’s an order, that you will follow.” he couldn’t help his heart racing, the horrible feeling coming over him as she gave him a small smile.
she was always stubborn. selfless. an emotion he never understood from her.
“I am forever grateful that I met you in this life, donatello.” she whispered, her hand slipping the communicator off her wrist, “I love you, so much.”
he felt the world fall silent, watching as she muted and dropped the communicator on the floor. his screams falling on deaf ears as he saw her run to the core of the technodrome.
his chest was hurting, his heart was pounding as he quickly grabbed his battle shell. he hated it. he hated it so much. he wanted it to stop.
he transfer the call with her to his wrist tech, at the same time calling for any available assistance on the front lines to stop her.
“I need all available support to the technodrome’s core room, I repeat-“ he quickly flew to where the technodrome is located.
“I need all available support to the-“
he’s quickly knocked down from the sky, landing on the ground as he felt the air knocked out of him. he takes a moment to recover before he looked up at the sky, his breath stopping for a moment.
it’s all gone. the technodrome. she had done it. she had destroyed the whole thing. he looked down at his tech, hearing nothing but static from her end.
then he feels nothing. the sounds of the troops unknowingly celebrating become white noise to him as he felt the unwelcome feeling return.
the tears were silent, teeth gritting as his hands dug into his palms. he felt a hand on his shoulder, and jerked violently away from the touch.
“don?” the voice of leo asked quietly, staring at his face. he looked down at his wrist tech, before speaking up once more, “where’s…what happened?”
donnie couldn’t speak. he couldn’t breathe. he couldn’t do anything.
the only thing that came from his lips was a strangled sob. his hand slapping over his lips as he sobbed violently into his hands.
leo held onto him, not saying anything.
and once more, he was stuck with the feeling that he hated. but this time it was worse. way worse.
he wanted to hate her, he wanted to scold her for making him feel this way. she knew he hated to feel this, but yet, she caused him to feel that and more.
it might hurt less, to hate her for what she did.
but he still loved her for everything she ever did.
and he hated to love her for that.
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wolffeay · 5 months
New Chapter - Fire, Flames, Farewell
Please enjoy! Thank you for any likes/kudos, comments, and reblogs!
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(^^^ This is basically Donnie this entire chapter tbh)
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crackedpumpkin · 2 years
|| ʟɪᴀʀ || ʀɪꜱᴇ! ʟᴇᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ||
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I'll be real with y'all, I might have been going through the grieving process of my recent breakup while writing this lmfao. But hey! I don't see much tmnt angst lately so here you go~ I hope this makes you cry! Or sob, or tear up etc.
Love, crackedpumpkin. part two (optional)
He was late. Again.
You sigh, starting to keep the plates of food you had painstakingly prepared for tonight. Perfectly sliced sandwiches wrapped in cling film are carelessly tossed back into the basket, and potato salad in a disposable bowl is thrown in the trash.
Candles are extinguished, and the flames are snuffed out. Fairy lights are kept, and empty plastic cups are disposed of.
You pack up the picnic mat you had been sitting on for over an hour, stumbling slightly as you regain feeling in your legs. You glance down at the framed picture you had brought with you, your heart sinking as you place it back in the basket and everything else.
This was the sixth time Leo had stood you up. Maybe you were a fool for hoping things would work out. But this was too much. Tears prick the corner of your eyes, clouding your vision as you sit in the back of a cab, making your way back home.
You pull out your phone, opening the chat between you and Leo.
Hey, are you reaching anytime soon? - Unread, sent at 6.30pm.
You okay? You’re not picking up my calls. - Unread, sent at 7pm.
Leo, I’m getting worried. Where are you? - Unread, sent at 7.15pm.
I’m going home. - Unread, sent at 7.30pm.
You set your phone down, locking the screen so that its lifeless black form is all you see. It doesn’t help how your heart clenches in your chest, and it’s suddenly hard to breathe.
You reach your apartment at eight-thirty p.m. on the dot, having travelled far just to set up the picnic date at the park where you two had first met. You let the basket slip from your grasp, clattering to the floor. You could care less about the noise; too emotionally drained.
You drape yourself across your bed, curling up with a plushie. Leo won it for you at the annual carnival to commemorate your first date. It was starting to get tattered, the once bright green of the turtle plushie fading with time.
You feel your phone buzz in your pocket, pull it out and turn it on. You squint at the bright screen, eyes adjusting to the sudden light in the dark room.
Hey, got caught up with hero things. Won’t be able to make it tonight. How’s tomorrow at Run of the Mill, 7pm? - Leo <3 , Sent at 9pm.
You scoff, releasing your grip on your phone and allowing it to slide onto the bed, looking away.
You hold out for five minutes before turning and grabbing your phone, texting back.
I understand. I’ll see you tomorrow then? - Unread, sent at 9.10pm.
Hopefully, you’d actually get to see his face tomorrow.
— — — — — — — —
You glance in the bathroom mirror, checking that your lashes are perfectly curled. You blink, checking on your eyeliner and lip tint. You run your fingers through your hair, smooth locks framing your face perfectly.
You had spent over an hour getting ready, wanting everything to go perfectly tonight. You wave goodbye to your parents, watching television in the living room, shutting the door behind you before heading to the alleyway that leads to Run of the Mill.
You hail a cab, reaching Run of the Mill half an hour late on purpose. You glance around, frowning when you don’t see your boyfriend. You pull out your phone, dialling his number and hold it to your ear.
“Hey, you’ve just reached the voicemail of Leonardo. I’ll call you back if I like you. If not, then that’s too bad!”
The beep that comes after is poison to your ears, and you bitterly press the button to hang up, choosing to message him.
Babe, I’m at Run of the Mill now. Where are you?” - Unread, sent at 7.35pm.
You lean against the wall, entertaining yourself by scrolling through social media and texting your friends. You pause when you open Instagram, noticing that Mikey has posted on his close friends' story.
You tap on the green circle around his profile picture, a video playing.
“Yooo, that’s so sick! He did it again, two nights in a row!” Mikey’s voice plays over the phone speaker, but it’s who he’s filming that makes your smile drop and your heart plummet.
Leo stands confidently on the skate ramp in their lair, a smug smile on his lips as he poses for another skateboard trick.
“I can’t believe it!” Raph’s shout from somewhere off-camera is filled with disbelief.
“If you insist, ladies and gentlemen, I shall demonstrate my awesome skills and amazing talent yet again!” Leo grins but pauses momentarily to check his phone.
The call sign on his screen, a picture of the two of you smiling widely, is visible. However, he turns it off without hesitation, pocketing his phone again and jumping down the ramp on his skateboard with a loud whoop.
The story ends there, an ad for cruises popping up next. You’re surprised when drops of water land on the screen but realize that your vision has gone blurry from the hot tears that fill your eyes. They overflow, trickling down your cheeks.
It’s hard to swallow down the golf-ball-sized lump in your throat, leaning against the wall as you struggle to breathe through the hiccups. Your nose is runny, and you’re sure you look like a mess right now. However, not a single cry makes it past your lips, the crushing sensation almost too much to bear.
He’s not going to show up.
He was never going to show up.
The realization hits you like a truck just as it starts to rain. It soaks through your dress and your makeup, leaving you shivering in the cold weather. You hail a cab back home, sitting silently in the backseat and ignoring the concerned glances of the taxi driver.
You enter your home a soaked mess, rainwater having mixed with your tears. Streaks of mascara and eyeliner decorate your cheeks, and your eyes are bloodshot. You don’t know how else to react, your heart filled with conflicting emotions that crash into each other like violent waves.
You can barely wash up, and your arms are heavy when scrubbing your body. Somehow, you end up sitting on your shower floor, staring blankly at the wall. You drag yourself out of the shower once your skin wrinkles and your body shivers.
You change into pyjamas, standing in the doorway of your bedroom. You shut the door, and it closes with a silent click. You grab the framed picture of you and Leo on your desk, and a flash of anger fills your heart. You hold it above the trash bin, ready to throw it inside.
But you hesitate.
Your eyes sting, tears brimming in the corners. All too soon, the anger disappears, and emptiness fills its place. You sit on your bed in silence, your eyes blank and hands tightly gripping the framed picture. You sit for a long while, only stirring to life when the rising sun’s rays shine into your room.
You hear a buzz and look to your side to see your phone halfway out of the purse, the screen lighting up with a message. You grab it, unlock it and click on the notification.
Hey babe! Sorry, got caught up in more hero stuff again. - Leo <3, sent at 6am.
You choke on a sob that tears itself from your throat, muffling a cry that threatens to wake everyone up. Your chest is threatening to collapse in on itself, a feeling you never wanted to experience, much less because of him.
You immediately call him, slightly surprised when he actually picks up.
Your voice dies in your throat before the words can even make it past your lips. You’re silent once you hear his voice, wanting nothing more than to forgive and forget; to go back to the days when you were loved and treated right.
“Babe?” He laughs at Mikey’s muffled words a distance away, “If you butt-dialled me, you should at least say so. I’ll hang up now!”
“We’re over.” You whisper, forcing the words out.
“What was that?” Leo’s voice is still playful.
You take a deep breath, forcing down the lump in your throat.
“We’re over,” you repeat, stronger this time.
“Good one, Y/n.” He chuckles, though a hint of concern laces his words.
“This isn’t a joke, Leo. We’re over.” You breathe, hands gripping your sheets so tightly that your knuckles turn white. “Whatever we have — what we used to have, it’s gone. We’re done.”
You press the red button on your screen, hanging up on him before he can get a word in. You knew that if you didn’t, you’d have broken down before ending the call. A sob bursts past your lips that are pressed together tightly.
Then another. And another, until you’re crumpled into your bed, arms desperately clutching your pillow as you inhale shuddering breaths. You ignore the knock at your window, even as it becomes more frantic.
“Y/n?” You don’t respond, stifling the cries that threaten to alert him to your presence. Leo finally leaves after what seems like hours, and you inhale deeply, trying to calm yourself down.
Your breaths slow, and your body is no longer shaking. You slide out of bed, grab a spare tote bag and fill it with everything he had left around your room whenever he visited.
His jacket, his spare bandanna, his cologne. It all went into the bag, along with plenty of photos of the two of you. You pause when you open your closet door, taking out the pyjama shirt you usually slept in. You stole it from the lair, though you knew Leo had just let you take it from his room. You fold it up and stuff it into the tote bag, along with a necklace he had gifted you for your three-month anniversary.
You open the window, peeking outside to see if he’s still around. He wasn’t. You place the bag onto the small ledge, step back into your room and shut the window.
You were done.
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bella-is-sleepy · 5 months
Rise! Donatello x Female! Smart/nerd reader!
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Y/n’s Pov:
YAYY ITS FINALLY DONE!! I finished that one project. I made a cute collar for my pet dog, P/N! It was in f/c, and it has a tracker….. Because when I walk her/him they somehow get loose, and they run off. She/he does it for FUN!!
Not that P/N doesn’t like me; It’s just because they’re very energetic dog. Like they choose to be calm or crazy each day. Like gurl/boi pick a side!
I was putting on my doggy, until I heard my alarm go off-wait…? WHAT—!!?? I hurried over to my backpack and snatched it up off the floor running to my door, and out the apartment.
I made it to school; where which April was in the computer lab/room. I Pulled out a chair & took a seat next to her. “Hey girl!” I gave her a smile and replied “Hey April, how was your weekend?” She gave a hm In acknowledgement “Oh, Yea it was okay, I mostly just binged watched movies with my mom.” I gave a sad smile, but April didn’t see because she looked back at the computer.
I wish my parents wouldn’t fight ALL THE TIME; I just want them to get along, you know? She started typing for a project that we were working on together. Then I see that she texted someone on her phone. With the contact ‘Bootyyyshaker9000’ why did that sound familiar?
Five minutes later we were both talking about the work. Then all of a sudden me and April here “Psst, April” then three ninja starts get thrown into the table and they say ‘I’m here’ The April looked up and gasped the I look up as well and see…DONNIE?!?!
What the hell is he doing hanging from the lights?? The he Yelps “Whoa!” She the says “Hey Donnie, Thanks for coming” he then gets on a spiny-chair. “No probbles. I love this place!”
“Wait, April You know Donnie??” She looks at me confused “Y/N?? How do you know Donnie?!” The in the back me and April hear Dee say “Smells like learning and puberty.!” I gave her that awkward face I do when I hide things “Well….You see…uhhh, how do I say this? This is the Boy I was talking about last time…” She was SHOCKED!! Like this face type of shocked. (꒪Д꒪)ノ (WHEN, WHERE, HOW??)
“Oh hey y/n, You know April?” April grabbed him by the shoulders and started shaking him like a rag doll! “This is the girl you were telling me about???!!” She stops and he fixes his googles and continues to speak “So what do you guys need help with?” “Our computer science project, we just need you to check the code.” I gave her this face ヽ(#`Д´)ノ “GIRL, I SAID I COULD DO IT IM JUST AS SMART HIM!”
(Sorry i havent been posting! should i continue this story?)
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hotheadedhero · 1 month
First Date
AN: Wow, wow, WOW! You guys went haywire for 'Like 'em Big', didn't ya? I have yet again been surprised at the popularity of something that started as a joke. Thank you all for your patience and showing the love, it really warms my heart as always 🙏 Without further ado, here's part two ❤️(I'd also like to preface that I haven't been on a first date in years, so I apologise :'])
Part 1
All characters are aged up
Raphael x Reader
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Warnings: Brief mention of ROTTMNT Movie, near peril (again), meddlesome brothers, cute idiots being cute
Returning home after the mind-boggling excursion you endured had tired you out to the point of near collapse. Yet, you couldn’t sleep after everything that happened. Your mind was racing. Not because you were nearly eaten. Not because you had met a giant turtle. Not even because you found that same turtle adorably attractive. No. It’s because you were fool-hardy enough to give him your number and after you embarrassingly called him beautiful, no less. More often than not, your overzealousness has been your downfall and you wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case here.
Universal blessings had other things in mind. The beacons lit, your prayers answered, and hope restored before your weary brain has a chance to sink - a text - and the chime of that first notification is a sweet melody indeed. All of that karmic debt seems to have been paid off. About time. Again, you won’t get too ahead of yourself but this is already a good start. And, so entails days of messaging, sneaking texts on work shifts, leg-kicking with the gushy motions, and downright losing your mind over how sweet this guy is.
As for Raph, this is uncharted territory; a piece of ocean he never dreamed he’d sail because he never thought it would be accessible to someone like him. He finds himself terrified of the mornings, worried that you’ll wake up with your senses and realise who - what - you’re talking to. Such concerns immediately disappear when he opens his phone to see a routine ‘Good morning’ paired with a heart or kiss.
During this time of exchanging pleasantries, he has been falling ever so gracefully for the character that makes up your person. He’s amazed by how bold you are in your messages during the times he shies away out of fear. It’s probably no surprise that a gorgeous lady such as yourself has at least some experience in the field, which makes him all the more nervous. Meanwhile, he’s working with two left feet and terrible advice from his family. Try as they may, he knows better than to listen to them where these things are concerned. The only one who has had experience is their dad and they all know how things turned out with Big Mama. 
Raph reckons he’ll take his chances. If your texting is anything to go off of, he likes to think he’s doing pretty well for himself. That hasn’t stopped his brothers from meddling, however. He expected Leo to poke his nose where he shouldn’t but he didn’t anticipate all of them getting involved. Even now, they’re desperately trying to clammer onto him in an attempt to get his phone. He has the advantage of being much taller than them but, of course, Donatello is resourceful and snatches it with one of his robotic limbs before throwing it to the youngest of the four. Lousy cheater. 
The unspoken rules of the game are the least of his worries when Mikey quickly messages you. He drops the phone as Raphael lunges for him and retrieves it before it hits the ground. Then he sees the extent of the damage dealt by his sibling: he’s asked you out on a date tonight. No no no! The large turtle is mortified! Sure, he’d considered the same proposal for a couple of days now but he wasn’t sure if it was too soon. This is going to make him look like a fool! He’s finished. You’re going to read it and you’re going to ignore it and he’s going to be ruined.
The receipt goes to ‘read’ and, surely, that to be the end of it until he sees you’re formulating a response. He bores holes into his screen. The taunting three-dotted line rises and falls and each second has him in the sweats. His brothers’ heads comically peak past his shell, each invested, placing bets on what your answer is going to be. Whoever had put their money down for a positive result is just that little bit richer. Three words. Three little words that would turn out to be Raphael’s salvation: ‘I’d love to! X’.
The joyous uplift of deliverance soon flees when it truly sinks in. You’ve agreed to go on a date with him. A date. With him. He’s going on a date. With you. Where will he take you? What will you both do? What is he going to wear? He’s desperate enough to call on his brothers’ aid for any input they can provide. After all, he can’t deny that their antics have led to this. Listen, these guys have all watched how much of an impact this has had on him. Sure, they’ll poke their fun but it’s genuinely warming to see their big lug of a brother with that dorky grin on his face. 
After a quick montage of his family hyping him up, going through outfits, and detailing the do’s and don’t’s, he’s finally ready. You both decide to meet on the roof of your apartment complex seeing as the sun will still be out. He double, triple, and quadruple-checks the location on his phone just in case he’s managed to pick the wrong one. As he’s about to check a fifth time, the little door to the side opens and out comes you in an even cuter outfit than the one worn on your first meeting. You, too, are in awe of what stands before you, having not expected him to go through the effort of dressing up at all. It’s nothing striking but it lights up all the parts of your objective brain that make you the size-hungry gremlin you are: a grey, sleeveless hoodie that shows off his arms very nicely. 
Sitting on the roof and people-watching seems to be a good enough pass time until it gets dark. Raphael’s legs hang over the side whilst yours lay to the side of you. He should have made a note of things to talk about. You’ve both already covered basic information over the phone alongside the odd funny video here and there but he’s completely blank now. Crap. He can feel the sweats coming on.
“So, hey,” he hears your voice suddenly, “what’s the highest up you reckon you’ve ever been?”
He knows the answer to that but it’s not an instance he much likes to think about. It would have been during the Kraang invasion years back when he and his brothers plummeted from heights of the sky no person should outside of a plane. That will be a story he keeps to himself. Too deep. He doesn’t want to dampen the mood. 
His brain wracks itself for something else and he says the first thing that comes to mind, “Uh… well, there was the time me and my brothers zip-lined from one building and into a roof pool.”
“No way! That sounds like so much fun!”
The elated look in your eyes makes him smile and his chest inflates with pride. “Yeah, it was! Our friend April even got it on video.”
“Do you have it?” you ask eagerly. “I’d love to see.”
That’s when you scoot closer to him to the point that your arms are brushing. Do you want to see it that badly? Yes. Was this an excuse to get close? You will die at your doorstep before you admit to anything without a lawyer. He sucks his lips in at the contact and looks down at your sparkling face before fumbling for his phone. He’s almost certain he has it somewhere. 
As you’re both watching the video, three sets of eyes have their sights on you. Three pairs of eyes belonging to three incredibly nosy brothers. They’re stood on one of the buildings behind you two, a few floors higher for a good view.
“So, how come we’re spying on Raph and his date?” the one in orange asks keenly.
“Listen, we all know that Raph chokes under pressure and we’re just here to make sure things go smoothly,” the blue-banded turtle responds with a hand to his chest. The other hand grips onto a tarp that seems to be shielding a box. “And I have just the thing to get some romance going.”
Beneath the blanket, Leo unveils a cage of doves all more than ready to be set free. Where, when, and how he managed to get these birds is a mystery but life is full of those. Best not to question his eccentricities. He quietly whispers, “Fly, my pretties,” before turning the latch and throwing a flurry of birdseed in the unsuspecting couple’s direction. 
Large brows furrow above concern. “Aren’t they a little too close to the edge?”
Ah. That might be problematic.
“Oh my gosh,” you laugh, “I think I would have a heart attack zipping along something like that.”
“It’s really not so bad when you get used to it,” Raph chuckles reassuringly. 
“Pft! You’re a lot braver than me.”
You both smile at each other as he puts his phone away. He doesn’t believe that for a second. You were brave enough to give him your number after all. He’s about to say something else when a series of aggressive flaps and coos break him of whatever thought he had. Following, a flock of doves barrages into the two of you. Luckily, he’s a sturdy pillar but the same can’t be said for you. A shrill scream breaks past your lips as you tip over the ledge. There’s a short moment when all that surrounds you is air. Nothing but air and the impending dread of what sits below. You were only joking when you said about dying on your doorstep.
Just as your eyes clench shut in preparation, the breath in your lungs gets knocked out of you when a force catches and cradles you by your gut. This strong force lifts you up and you’re met with an even stronger chest. You slowly take a look up at your saviour and he’s got you in a tight lock against his body. His other hand is clasped onto the roof ledge and he breathes heavily. Raphael swallows hard. That was close. Way too close for comfort.
Not wanting to dawdle over the long drop for much longer, he hoists himself back onto the roof with you in his clutch. The threat of falling diminished. The threat of falling in other ways climbs higher from your stomach. Oh lordy, you’re getting the vapours. As he gently eases you back on your feet, you look up at him with wide eyes.
“I think,” you breathe out, in again to recollect yourself, “maybe, we continue this on the ground.”
Thankfully, it’s dark enough that he should be able to waltz around in the public eye without it being too bothersome. From a neighbouring rooftop, there’s a rushed scurry but when he looks, nothing appears to be there. Must have been more of those doves or something. That still begs the question of where they came from but he’ll try not to worry about it.
So, a little bit of a rocky start but it doesn’t appear to have shaken your spirit. You’re a little jittery from the adrenaline, perhaps. That and being in his arms for that short moment made you realise what you’ve been missing out on all this time. You need to get a hold of yourself, woman. For the sake of not ruining this, get a hold of yourself. The slight tremble in your fingertips doesn’t go unnoticed. Luckily, Raph has just the remedy.
He walks you to a park, quiet from day nearing its end, lit up with the gentle hug of streetlamps dotted along the pathways. The setting itself is already enough to coax you back into a level head but curiosity peaks when the mutant urges you to sit on a bench. He asks that you close your eyes before dashing off. Just what is he planning? You’re tempted to take a peak but, respectively, you sit and patiently wait. When he returns, you open your eyes to see him standing in front of you, three hot dogs in one hand, two sodas in the other. 
“It ain’t much but I figured it’ll help,” he admits bashfully. “‘Specially some sugar.”
You blink up at him and shrink down with a shy bat of your lashes. “Thank you.”
Your lips spread into a mile-wide smile as you take the food and drink from him. He sits down beside you and you happily dig in. There must have been a food stand that you had walked past without noticing, yet he noticed. He’s also noticed how greedy it must look for him to have two hot dogs. 
Suddenly conscious of the fact, he clears his throat awkwardly, “I hope it’s okay I got two for myself.”
“Hm?” You look up at him with a mouthful and swallow. “Oh! Have as many as you like.” Your nose scrunches up as you wave him off. “The other night I had about five to myself. Not even with the buns either.”
You laugh at yourself as you take another bite. It sounds like a bizarre way to eat them outside of their intended purpose but when Mother Nature calls, there’s no point in questioning it. Besides, the best part of a hot dog is the Frankfurter. Why waste stomach space on all of that bread? You shrug it off casually but the tall turtle’s attention remains on you as he rallies something up in his head.
“How do you feel about salami?”
The way he asks is gentle, not interrogative but carefully interested with a harboured hope. What an adorable query. You can’t say you have any strong opinions about it but if it’s there in front of you, you know you wouldn’t be able to help yourself. There’s a glimmer in his stare as he awaits your answer and it takes a lot for you to not grin like an idiot.
You glance side to side, pretending to be shifty-like and lean in towards him whilst cupping your mouth. “Once, I ate an entire pack of assorted pepperoni and salamis in one sitting.”
Raph’s eyes sparkle, almost forming into hearts. He doesn’t register how he replies, going purely on automatic as his head wanders off into la la land. His free hand grips onto the side of the bench and he can feel his heart palpitate with a swarm of warmth. Has he just found his soulmate? Is it too soon to think something like that? Does it matter? He’s not too sure he cares now. Those rose-tinted glasses are his new contact lenses and he’s never taking them out.
A few trees over, the eclectic triad of trouble is back at it again trying to formulate their next plan in the ‘Romance for Raph’ operative. Donatello tinkers with something as the other two watch their brother. They have no idea what you said as you leaned into him but it must have been something mind-altering from the way he’s staring off with stars in his eyes.
“Hurry up with that thing, Dee! I wanna hear what they’re talking about.”
“You can’t rush good work,” he states, though he holds up the complete product no more than a second later. “But yes, you may now marvel at my new masterpiece.”
It’s a dinky-looking drone, fitted with the best mic system and soundless heli-propellers this turtle genius can build, small enough that it should be able to soar around unnoticed. Leo and Mikey tussle over who gets to fly the device first, each pulling on the remote control. During their scuffle, they hit a button and it quietly thrums to life. Before Donnie can intervene, the little drone is already flying around in seemingly no point of direction until it nose-dives towards them and crashes into the tree trunk. The entire tree shakes so much that a flurry of birds dart off and head for yourself and Raph.
They sore overhead with such ferocity that you both flail your arms up to cover your heads. Unfortunately, the soda in Raphael’s hand flies up into the air with the abrupt action. It falls onto the pathway but not before spritzing his hands with the fizzy liquid. Great. Now his hands are going to be uncomfortably sticky. What is the darn deal with these birds today? Alfred Hitchcock might have been onto something. The vermin of the sky turns into an afterthought when you spot your date looking over his fingers with a wrinkled frown.
Glancing around the park, you suddenly jump up onto your feet with an idea. You gesture for him to follow after you and lead him to a nearby lake. It’s the only way you could think for him to wash away the sugary beverage. As he gets on his knees and dips his hands in, you opt to stand and keep an eye out for any more winged miscreants. Figuring the coast is clear, you go back to facing the lake with your hands behind your back. 
“It sure looks pretty,” you remark quietly.
Not initially knowing what you’re talking about, Raphael glances up at you. He then follows your gaze back to the lake, taking his hands out to shake them dry. The water ripples from the movement but when it settles, he thinks he understands what you’re talking about. Starlight is often hard to come by in a city such as New York but it seems they have blessed you both with their presence. They twinkle delicately, reflecting off the water and it looks as though they’re dancing, like fireflies in the calm of night. Pretty indeed. He can’t remember the last time he sat back and appreciated something like this if ever he has.
“If you don’t mind me asking,” he hears you again, quieter this time, “what made you ask me out on this date?”
His face and the entirety of his body warms. He hadn’t expected to be put on the spot like that but he supposes you would’ve asked sooner or later. It’s only fair that you’d be curious. The palms of his hands press into his knees as he sits on his feet. 
“My brothers kinda had a hand in that. I’d been thinking about doin’ it before that, though!” he quickly rectifies just in case you thought this was completely his family’s doing but you giggle. He chuckles nervously and lowers his sights. “You just seem like someone I’d wanna get to know. Why’d you give me your number?”
“You saved my life that day,” you say as if it’s obvious. He narrows his eyes at you playfully and you figured he’d eventually realise that there’s more to it than that. “Okay, so, maybe there were other reasons.”
This is where your throat fails you and instead of talking, you attempt to motion with your hands. You hold them parallel to one another and map out the air in front of you sideways. Then, you make the same movement but vertically, one hand rising as the other lowers. He isn’t sure what you’re insinuating at first but it soon clicks. Are you referring to his stature? The thing that people usually fear? Nah. Surely not. That’s when it dawns on him. There was a word - one particular word that night which threw him off guard; a word he thought he had imagined but this just about confirms its existence.
With a newfound confidence, he sits up straight and raises a brow at you. “You think I’m beautiful?”
A brash heat burdens your cheeks as they puff out. You’ve certainly dug your grave on this one. How do you even answer? That probably isn’t an issue. Your reaction must be answer enough. With a blown-out breath, you swivel on your feet away from him, not knowing how to verbally respond. Just as you turn, a pebble hits you square on the forehead and knocks you back into the lake. It makes for a mighty splash but an incredibly discomfiting feeling around your body. Your head shoots up with a gasp and you hold your upper body with your hands in the sickly, cold mud, squelching between your fingers like wet clay. If birds had apposable thumbs, you would assume this was their doing considering how the night has gone.
Raphael shoots up to his feet and extends a hand to you, much like how he did when you first met. His face is laced with the same amount of concern as that day. Less hesitant than that instance, you immediately reach out and his fingers engulf your hand just as they did before. He hoists you up onto your feet, looking over you worriedly. You’re soaked head to toe.
What he doesn’t expect is to hear you laugh, “Deja vu?” 
His head cranes to the side but he finds himself smiling sadly when you continue to laugh. An unshakable spirit; that’s something he’s quickly realising you have and it’s admirable, to say the least. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for your body. You hug yourself and shiver, teeth almost chattering. Even summer nights can nip at the skin when drenched in freezing lake water.
In his haste to find a solution, he enacts the first thing that comes to mind without thinking of asking on your behalf. He quickly slips his hoodie off and holds it out to you. It’s probably a little counterproductive since it won’t dry you but it should hopefully shield you from the cold. Just enough to last you the walk home. You bite your tongue as you gratefully take the garment and slip it on. In a generalised state of mind, this is every girl’s dream right here. Your dream. It sits over you in all of its oversized glory like a great big hug. Perfect. It’s a shame to be calling the night to an end here but you both know you won’t be able to completely enjoy yourself with a dripping head.
Those same three figures dash off into the shadows, one sorely guilty for causing such a catastrophe. All Michelangelo had intended to do was throw that rock at Raph to gain his attention. It had a note stuck to it with some cute lines he could have said to you. The last thing he wanted was for it to smack you dead in the face and topple you over. He swears his aim isn’t usually that bad, hence he’ll blame the note for messing with the air dynamics or whatever Donnie called it.
As yourself and Raph journey back to your apartment, he finds himself in a bit of a funk. He tries to keep his enthusiasms up for the remaining minutes you have together but there were a fair share of disasters this evening. Not how he envisioned things panning out. He walks you up to your front door but lingers in the middle. You stop, too, and stride down one, meeting him head-level.
“Everything okay?” you ask.
"Sorry," he sighs as he sits on one of the steps. "This has got to have been the worst first date ever."
His whole body slumps and he hangs his head low in shame, arms resting atop his thighs with his hands dangling limp between his legs. This feeling just can’t seem to shake. There were so many mishaps: you falling off the roof, soda spilling over himself, and to top it all off, you got yourself a nasty bath in muddy water. He wouldn’t blame you if you took his presence as a bad omen. Disaster does seem to follow him and his brothers wherever they go. His eyes suddenly open wide and stare at the floor when he feels a soft cushion of skin against his cheek.
"Actually, it's the best first date I've ever been on," you say and he'd see a large smile on your face had he the strength to look. Removing the hoodie, you hang it over his arm and giggle, "I mean, I might have a fear of birds now but I’ve had a really lovely time. I look forward to the second one."
You peck his cheek once more before slipping off into your apartment, leaving him to sit with eyes like saucers and rosy cheeks. He supposes it wasn’t all bad. There was a lot of laughter. You two found a lot in common with one another and once you got talking, the conversation was easy. There weren’t many cases where he caved under the pressures of those ‘first date’ nerves. He felt comfortable. Really comfortable, in fact. 
Raph blinks down at the hoodie and holds it up to his face. It’s a little damp but the scent of your perfume lingers on the fabric. It smells nice and he hopes he isn’t creepy for being happy about having this until you next see each other. His face hurts from all of this smiling, achy and strained. Painful but a good pain, nonetheless. An experience so new to him. He doesn’t know what to do. His body is running on highs it’s never known before. The burley mutant stands to his feet, hoodie in hand, and does the only thing he can think to do: he dances, blissfully unaware of the three sets of eyes watching from a building across the street.
"Oh, god, he's doing his victory dance right outside her apartment. Can't he save it till later? He's gonna make a fool of himself."
"Aw, but look how happy he is!"
"Indeed. I would say this is a big win for our illustrious leader."
"Hey, don't forget about our win. None of this would have happened without us and that deserves a pizza reward. Am I right, guys?"
The other two nod and mumble in agreement. It’s probably best that they flee the scene before they’re spotted, anyway. They’ll be excited to hear about their brother’s ventures when he returns and, of course, they’ll act as if they haven’t witnessed every moment of it. Take it to the grave, boys. Take it to the grave.
I kinda love how the first part of this story was written during a fever and I had to wait until I was ill again to finish this part. Also, have to mention... the comments people!!! You ravenous animals are as crazy as me, I love it. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading these comments and I just had to include some of them here
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You are my people and I love all of you so much <3
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truffle-draws-turtles · 7 months
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"we could set the world on fire using only our minds."
I don't know if I posted this here before. It's the cover of my escalation book
Attention please.
The turtles you find on my site are all aged up, unless they are turtle tots (obviously)
fanfiction (donniexfemale)
comic au (lesbian lovestory)
nsfw content (patreon 18+)
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theangelcatalogue · 5 months
(Break a Neck - Odetari and Ayesha Erotica)
1:36 ━❍──────── -3:18
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
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" Oh no, don't get the wrong idea. It's super fun!  "
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
୨୧┇Rottmnt! ๋࣭ ⭑🖥
୨୧┇Tmnt 2012! ๋࣭ ⭑🖥
୨୧┇Guilty Gear! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Young Justice! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇X men evolution! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Danganronpa! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Avatar The last airbender/Legend of Korra! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Monster High! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Ever After High! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Teen titans! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Scooby Doo! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Skullgirls! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇That's not my neighbour! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Monica and Friends/Monica Teen! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇The Amazing world of Gumball! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Carmen Sandiego! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Total Drama/Ridonculous Race! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Miraculous! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Glitch Techs! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Laika Studios movies! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Blush Blush! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Crush Crush! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Generator Rex! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Danny Phantom! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇One of us is lying! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Ride the cyclone! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Starkid (Nerdy Prudes must die, Black Friday, The guy that didn't like musicals, etc.)! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Heathers! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Mean girls! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
୨୧┇Sdra(1 and 2)! ๋࣭ ⭑💻
" But...that's exactly what scares me. I enjoy every single day I wake up and get to do what I do "
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
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sinister-things · 1 year
Can't Take My Eyes off You
Loosely inspired by this post by @fabuloustrash05
⚠️TW: One mention of food⚠️
Synopsis: Hamato Yoshi– or, Mr. Splinter is a very wealthy man, owning multiple dojo's across New York City. When he announces a gala event in hopes of his son, Donatello, finding that special someone, your parent's force you– New York City's "IT Girl" to attend. What could go wrong?
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Everything was set and ready. The food was from all around the world, Splinter had hired the greatest orchestra in town, and everything about the room screamed "I make eight figures!"
To put it nicely, you were an IT Girl. You were beautiful, rich, had deals with multi-million dollar brands, and the media loved you.
You made your way to the food table, heads turning by the mere sight of you.
This event was supposed to last for five hours. You only knew of Mr. Hamato because your younger cousin attended one of his dojo's.
You had never met his son, Donatello, prior to this. You had heard of him and his intellect, but had never met him in person.
"Oh, mi gosh!" You heard a voice squeal.
You turned to investigate the sound, only to find a humanoid turtle donning an orange bandana standing a few steps behind you.
"Hello, can I help you?" You asked him.
He was buzzing with excitement. "You're Y/N, you were on the cover of Vogue last month!"
You chuckled at his excitement. "And you are?"
"Oh–" The boy blushed, "I'm Mikey, I'm a really big fan," Mikey told you. "Can I take a picture with you?" He asked bashfully.
"Sure!" You popped the last finger sandwich in your mouth and crouched beside him, flashing your famous smile.
He waved as he walked away, cellphone in hand, likely to post the picture somewhere.
You continued on with your night, chatting up a few of your other rather famous friends.
"Not to sound rude, but," You furrowed your eyebrows. "Why are you here? You already have a girlfriend." You asked.
Your friend Kelly, a model, huffed. "My sister was invited, and you know she can't be left alone for more than five seconds," she laughed.
The two of you heard a gasp, followed by an "Oh my god, it's you!"
You both turned to see your mutual friend, Iseul, a kpop idol. You smiled as the three of you caught up with each other's lives.
You three laughed and genuinely had a good time. But during the entire conversation, you had a weird feeling. Like you were being watched.
From across the room stood– for lack of a better word, the prettiest girl in New York.
Y/N L/N, the quote-unquote "IT Girl" of New York was talking with two other girls. Kelly Blare, a model from Newfoundland, and Kim Iseul, a Korean singer known for her stunning appearance.
Y/N was mostly known for her modeling career. For some reason, brands fought to the death to even have one of their products in the background of an Instagram post.
She was on every billboard, every cafe window, every magazine cover, everything! You couldn't walk down the street and not see her face.
Everyone knew who she was.
Everyone knew her name.
Mikey was a big fan of Y/N, using her modeling shoots as inspiration for his various art pieces and following her on every social media he had.
The press adored her! Always praising her actions and beauty, painting her as this divine being who could do no wrong.
And Donnie would be lying if he said he didn't have even the smallest crush on her.
Donnie never expected himself to be one of those lovestruck fools, blindly admiring someone he barely knew. In fact, he laughed at the idea. Him, falling in love? Heavens, no. Impossible!
He never cared for the various celebrities and socialites his father met with. But when he saw you, something changed.
He hated to admit it, but the gossip was true: you were more beautiful in person than in a picture.
But there he stood, face redder than Raph's mask. A bead of sweat ran down the side of his head as he watched you laugh at something Kelly said.
Pathetic. He was pathetic.
You had captured his heart, just as he feared someone would. The sight of you nearly making him forget how to breath, captivating him with your presence alone.
But you looked so unreal! You've most likely had thousands, if not millions of people profess their love for you. What would make Donnie stand out from the rest?
Donnie's heart stopped when the two of you locked eyes. He dropped the glass he was holding and found himself running in the direction he came.
You chased after the person. "Wait, come back!" You called to them.
You found yourself running through the various hallways of the estate, the person not stopping for a second.
"I just wanna talk!" You called desperately, picking up your speed.
With every twist and turn, you tried calling out to the person, hoping to persuade them to stop and talk.
The person ran out the nearest door they saw, you quickly following in pursuit.
Your legs burned, begging to rest. But you weren't going to until you stopped this stranger in their tracks.
You climbed a steep, grassy hill. There was a large, looming tree standing at the peak, a bench underneath it. Sitting down, you smiled.
"Hi, what's your name?" You asked. That was a good conversation starter, right?
"I'm Y/N," You told him, hoping to gain his trust. "I like your suit!"
The person scuffled to the other side of the bench, you only following. They fiddled with their jacket for a few seconds before muttering a response.
"I'm sorry..."
You were confused. "For what?"
"For staring..." He admitted.
You bounced your knee, a smirk growing on your face.
"Well," you leaned forward– not to close, but close enough that you could see him blushing. "I'll forgive you if you tell me your name."
He bit his lip, looking to the ground. Sighing, he met your eyes.
You gasped. "Donatello? As in, Donatello Hamato?" You asked him curiously. He nodded.
"And you're Y/N," his ashamed frown began turning into that of a smile. "The prettiest girl in New York,"
You're reaction was a mix of shock and flattery. "Well, I think you're the smartest guy in this city," you told him.
Donatello's face went red. "Really?"
You nodded, "I've heard of all the different kinds of tech you've made, it's pretty cool!"
His face lit up, smiling like a child who saw Santa Claus. Someone praised his tech? He's been waiting for this!
The two of you rambled on about your interests, your passions and your dreams for hours.
From the corner of his eye, Donnie saw April and his brother's cheering him on from inside the house.
He rolled his eyes, ignoring his family and his blush for the time being, focusing his thoughts and smile on your adorable rants.
He sighed, realizing what was happening to himself. He, who laughed in the face of Cupid, was head over heels for the prettiest girl in New York City.
In the span of four hours, you had managed to make him smile and laugh more than he had in a single month.
But down the line, you and Donatello are as happy as can be. Whether sixteen or sixty, one thing is for sure: he couldn't take his eyes off you.
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